Worried about an adult?

If you are worried about an adult or yourself please contact Southampton Adult Social Care on:

 Telephone: 023 8083 3003

Address: Adult Social Care, Southampton City Council Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY

Remember, in an emergency you should always call 999.

The following will help you understand how reports about safeguarding concerns for adults are dealt with. Please remember that any abuse is unacceptable. If you believe a crime has been committed please contact the Police.

What you can do if you think someone is being abused?

  • Take action – don’t assume that someone else is doing something about the situation
  • If anyone is injured get a doctor or ambulance
  • Make a note of your concerns, what happened and any action you take
  • Let us know by either telephoning us or completing our form
  • All safeguarding matters will be dealt with confidentially, though if the issues concern evidence of a crime, or unacceptable risk, this may be shared with the appropriate authorities
  • If you think a criminal offence has been committed, contact the police straight away
  • If you think you are being abused or mistreated, contact us, either by phone or by completing the form.

What will happen next?

Local pracitioners and agencies will work closely with other organisations and the person affected to find out as much as possible about what has happened. They will do a number of things which might include:

  • Talking to the person and other people involved to find out what has happened
  • Planning what to do to safeguard the person being abused or harmed
  • Supporting the person and their carers through the process
  • Being available to offer support in the future
  • Perhaps you, or someone you know, is being harmed or living in fear of abuse and wants to stay safe.  The Speak Out easy read leaflet gives more information on how you can get help.

If you are worried about a child or young person please click here.